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SEO: How to Optimize Your Web Pages

Search Engine Optimization, widely known in the web world as SEO, hasgained a lot of attention in the last few years. SEO techniques are appliedto web pages so that they are ranked higher by the search engines (likeGoogle, Yahoo, AOL etc.) for targeted key word searches. Please feel freeto use these tips to optimize your web pages for a better search engineranking.

Provide navigational links to all your web pages

In order for any search engine to index all the pages of your site, it shouldbe able to find them. An efficient navigation system is very important in thisregard. Avoid using images, JavaScript or flash navigation links, becausesearch engines look for HTML link tags for indexing!

Content is king

Search engines index the content of a website, and the more content youhave, the better. Add relevant content to your website. I mean, if yourwebsite sells dogs and cats, you can add reviews on the dogs and catshave. This will also attract potential buyers to your website. Usually doglovers do research first before they buy online.

Use keywords in text

In order to target keywords in searches, use the same keywords in thetext. For example, an article on web design standards-based layout will usethe keywords design and standards and layout instead of using architectureand templates. However, using the keywords repeatedly does not helpeither.

Use synonymous phrases in title, meta tags and headers

Include related words and phrases in page titles, text, and header metatags. This will expand the range of keywords that the web page might belisted under. For example, my page has a title of "Search EngineOptimization Tips and Tricks - HTML, CSS, XHTML - FierceStreetNetworks!", while this specific tip header is "SEO: Optimize Your WebPages". This page has been targeted for anyone searching for either ofthese words. Search engines value the page title, meta tags and pageheaders (within HTML H1 tags) more than any text in the page.

Use descriptive links using key words

When linking to web pages within your website, use descriptive words inthat link to describe that page. Advanced search engines use these wordsas the keywords defining the content of the page.